Meet the Developers

Meet the Developers.

Founder and CEO Frog p. Frogowicz was born to hardworking parents that endured a grueling immigration from a simple lily pad on a pond five feet away. As a humble tadpole, Frogowicz excelled at survival and growing legs which led to his dominating presence in the cut throat world of local outdoor markets.

Brenden is a software engineer in training. He enjoys anything dealing with history and bad movies. He is eagerly awaiting his first coding job after graduation. Click image to checkout LinkedIn!

Kamie is a software engineer in training, and is super excited to graduate July 2022. Enjoys coffee while coding, hiking, and pizza. Click image to checkout LinkedIn!

Bradley is a full stack software developer in training, he loves pizza, video games, and coding! Click image to checkout LinkedIn!

Marcus is a software engineer in training from Portland, Ore. He also writes songs. Click image to checkout LinkedIn!

Sydnie is a software engineer in training. She enjoys anything crime documentaries and history museums. She is excited to get her first job after Alchemy! Click image to checkout LinkedIn!